A. E. Marín Jiménez, J. M. Alcántara Pilar, M. J. Aznar Unzurrunzaga, F. J. Blanco Encomienda, C. Morón Pérez

The implementation of the new educational model has required changes in methodology and assessment procedure conducive to an active, participatory, and motivating learning process.

In this line, an alternative assessment tool has been applied in the teaching of the subject ‘Quantitative Methods’, which covers some topics of operational research, optimization, and decision theory.

Specifically, an Interactive Response System, also known as Audience Response System or Voting System, has been used. This equipment enables the quantification of the responses of students immediately, collecting them through individual remotes. Then, all information obtained is transferred to a database within the faculty's computer, being considered to make changes in the learning environment.

The use of the Interactive Response System in the classroom has allowed for a permanent control of learning and resulted in a more active participation by students and greater motivation.

Palabras clave: assessment, quantitative methods, Interactive Response System


X09.4 Grupo de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de la Estadística e Investigación Operativa
7 de septiembre de 2016  17:30
Aula 21.07

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