F. Perea Rojas-Marcos, R. Ruiz, L. Fanjul

In the unrelated parallel machines scheduling problem with the additional consideration of machine and job sequence dependent setup times, the objective consists of assigning n jobs to m machines disposed in parallel, so that the largest completion time of a job (makespan) is minimized. At each machine, a setup operation must be carried out after processing one job and before processing the next one. This setup depends on both the job sequence and on the machine and therefore, the job schedule at each machine must also be obtained. In this presentation we add another constraint to the problem: the setups of machines between two consecutive jobs need the use of a number of units (which depend on both the machine and the jobs) of a certain scarce resource. Such resource could be, for example, operators needed to do the setups. A mixed integer programming formulation is presented, as well as the results obtained after a computational experience.

Palabras clave: Scheduling, setups, mixed integer programming


M10.3 Logística e Inventarios
6 de septiembre de 2016  17:00
Aula 21.08

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