A. M. Aguilera, M. C. Aguilera-Morillo, J. B. Roldán, F. Jiménez-Molinos

Non-volatile RRAMs have many interesting advantages in comparison with flash memories. Because of this modelling the variability of the involved processes is of crucial importance. The switching mechanism consists of an initial high resistance state (HRS) of the device that converts into a low resistance state (LRS) by applying voltage in the “Forming” and “Set” processes. Subsequent application of voltage returns the HRS in a “Reset” process. This leads to growth and rupture of a conductive filament (CF). In this paper functional PCA is applied for modelling the current-voltage curves associated with the reset cycles simulated from a set of devices whose features were generated randomly by assuming truncated cone shapes for the CFs. Once the reset voltage is achieved, the current usually drops off in an abrupt manner so that the sample curves are not defined on the same domain. To solve this problem synchronization of curves is performed previous to polynomial smoothing.

Palabras clave: Resistive Random Access Memories, Current-Voltage Reset Curves, Functional data, Functional PCA f


X09.2 Grupo de Análisis de Datos Funcionales: últimos avances y aplicaciones
7 de septiembre de 2016  17:30
0.09 - Aula de proyectos 2

Otros trabajos en la misma sesión

A RKHS-based proporsal for variable selection in functional regression

J. R. Berrendero Díaz, B. Bueno Larraz, A. Cuevas González

Plots for funcional data forecasting

A. Elías Fernández, R. Jiménez Recaredo

A sphericity test in high-dimensional data using random projections

J. A. Cuesta Albertos, P. Navarro Esteban, A. Nieto Reyes

Algunos aspectos prácticos de la selección de variables funcional

J. L. Torrecilla Noguerales, J. R. Berrendero Díaz, A. Cuevas González

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